Data Art – Week 10

For this project, we are supposed to something related to map, location or some spatial data. I decided to research about nuclear power plant, because nuclear power is taking a huge part of moving toward zero carbon emotion, as nuclear power are currently consider as a green energy source.

world-electricity-production Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 2.19.31 AM

Continue reading “Data Art – Week 10”

Data Art – Week 7

Project link:

For the 3rd project of Data Art, we work on archived data through API.

I team up with Rui An and Shu-Ju lin to create the piece Google Home Alone.

We wanted to highlight the loneliness of  modern society, and how people are more emotionally attached to their smart device than real people. With inspiration of the following video, idiots win, or Google Feud. We wanted to look into googles search auto complete api

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Data Art – Week 4


The second project for Data Art class ITP2019 is a data self portrait. I decided to track the amount of coffee i drink daily for two weeks, and visualized them filling in a cup. i mapped it with maximum of 6 cups, and it animate through each day frame by frame.

image_1 Continue reading “Data Art – Week 4”

Data Art – Week 1

The First Project that the we do is to visualize a data set of hemlock growth

github link:

Using the given data set from creates 3 different visualization of the same data sets.
User can navigate between different visulization by clicking the 3 buttons on the top of the browser.
Visual 1 is based on the class example from the github page, but I mapped both “RawRingWidth_mm” and “GrowthIndex” on the same graph and comepare the relation between with different colors.
Visual 1
Continue reading “Data Art – Week 1”